Saturday 23 April 2011

Welcome New NUDGE Fitness Boot Campers!

Congratulations for making that first step forward to the new healthy you have been dreaming of!

I am not sure if you are coming to a Fitness Boot Camp to supplement your present workouts, find more motivation or because you have not worked out for a while?  What ever the reason is, be assured you will have a great workout and be supported to stay committed to your program.

I know for some, it's not easy to make that commitment and change in your life, but know that we are here for your support. All of us need support and nothing is better than having someone on our side, keeping us on track and nudging us back towards our goals when we stray.  This accountability to your goals will be the difference in making your dreams come true.

The key to obtaining awesome health, energy and fitness,  is a well rounded plan.  You already know that your activity level must be a regular part of your life.  The other parts of your life are your nutrition and your ability to manage stress.

Drink water.  Wow, what a tip?!

Seriously, it is the best way to begin supporting your body.  Especially, when you are about to start on a health and fitness program.  Water will not only take away your thirst, it will provide you with a fountain of energy you never knew you had.
Daily water consumption throughout your day will provide you with many benefits.  Although, you can drink too much as well.  The article in the flowwowing link will provide a good explanation for that concern.
So, if you can drink too much water, and we know we have to drink some, then how do we know the correct amount water to consume?  Here is a simple equation to help you determine the correct amount of water for you.
  • Drink half of your body weight in fluid oz.  For example, if you weigh 150lbs you should aim to consume about 75oz. of water each day or approx. 2.25 litres.
  • Make sure you are not just consuming reverse osmosis water either, as it is void of all of its minerals and salts.  A popular spring water in your area is usually a good starting point.  You can also look for a Dissolved Mineral Solids of about 300ppm.  If you prefer the reverse osmosis type, then I would suggest putting a small pinch of sea salt into the water to provide you with electrolyte and minerals that are void from this water.
  • Get your own water bottle with your name on it.  It should be with you all of the time.  Keep it with your keys and wallet(purse).
Here only some more health benefits of water.

Stress management
Get a great night sleep or improve your sleep.

Getting a great night sleep is my top tip to reducing the stress levels in your life.  I realize that this is easier said than done for some of you.  Below you find a sleep protocol for those of your awaking in the middle of the night wide a wake.  If you are not having sleep concerns, then a committment to having 7-8 hours of sleep per night is a goal I would like you to keep while you are training.
My philosophy for fitness is Work(out) Hard and Rest(sleep and recovery) Hard.  This way you are always recovered from your last workout (allows you to get more workouts in and get to your goal quicker) and you greatly reduce your chances of injury!

Here is your Get a Great Night Sleep Protocol

In order to have a great night sleep you must,

  • REDUCE the stress / wake hormones (Cortisol) released in to your blood stream
  • INCREASE your recovery / sleep hormones (melatonin) the hours before you go to bed.  
The body naturally responds to the rhythms of the planet and the moon cycles called the circadian rhythm.  This cycle will naturally tell our endocrine system to release cortisol into the blood stream to wake us up and produce melatonin to trigger the sleep state.  We easily override this natural rhythm with stimulants (caffeine, artificial light, TV, clock radios, computers, late nights, etc).
We can also increase the sleep hormones.  Before you go to bed try implementing some conscious lifestyle choices listed below.


  • No caffeine 12 hours before bedtime
  • No T.V. 2 hours before bed
  • Do not go to bed with either a full or on an empty stomach.
  • Have a hot relaxing bath 
  • Dim the lights
  • Candles 
  • Massage
  • Deep diaphragmatic breathing
  • Meditations
  • Soft music 
  • Positive reading
  • Eating a correct snack for your Metabolic Type will help greatly with the quality of your sleep.
Your bedroom should feel like a cave.  Note, that any light on the skin will stimulate cortisol wake hormones production.  To combat this, make sure street lights are blocked from shinning in, computers, TVs or flashing alarm clocks are at least 3 meters form your bed and preferably out of your bedroom.

If you still have some sleep problems talk to me personally, and we will look more closly at your nutrition and lifestyle to remedy this most important concern.

I look forward to sharing with you my plan to get you health, fit and happy!

See you at the next workout!