Monday 12 May 2014

HOW STRESSED ARE YOU? - Harmful Effects of EMF

Chances are Radio Waves Frequencies (RWF) and Electromagnetic Frequencies Stress (EMF Stress) are contributing to much of your total stress in your body right now. So impactful, it may be preventing you from obtaining the health you desire?

By now, I would hope most people are aware of the dangers from EMF and RWF pollution. If not I urge you to read on to learn how much you are being effected and how you can protect yourself and your family.

For starters and as I have mentioned, EMF stress is a strong contributor to the overall physiological stress that we all see in our lives today. Our nervous systems in particular are already bombarded by poor lifestyle habits from poor nutrition, overstimulation of light from T.V., computers and artificial light (that is light other than natural sunlight), too much or too little exercise and our mental stresses due to work/life balance, relationships, money, etc. Then add stress from the following EMF stress sources:

· cell phones (NOW 5 Geee )

· routers

· electrical outlets in your home

· Smart meters

· electrical surges from your power supply company

· radio waves of all kinds

· power lines

· transformer stations

· microwaves

· high current appliances (hair dryers, heaters, ovens)

· faulty electrical wiring in your walls

· plumbing current (entering through your ground to the city water line)

· Electrical wiring and power cords

· Fluorescent/Compact Fluorescent

· Poorly grounded electrical system

· Bedside AC lamps, clocks and electrical cords

· Laptop computers

· Dimmer switches

· Computers/laptops

· Television sets

· Microwave ovens

· Most Treadmills and furnaces that have variable speed motors

· Intestellar radiation from Orion Van Allen radiation belt, the Sun and the Stars

· Some UV filters and ionizers

· Wireless Networks and wireless security systems

· DECT (digital) cordless phones, and baby monitors

· Cellular phones and PDAs

· Cell towers and microwave transmitters

· Gaming systems, e-Readers and home automation systems

· Nearby neighbours activities

· Radar and radio station transmitters

This list is quite extensive and possibly alarming to you. It should be since there are many documented studies and history showing the detrimental effects of this most invasive part of our society's infrastructure that we have all come slave to.

View some of these links:




So now that I have your attention, let's discuss how we can mitigate/eliminate this most troubling health issue.

Next to throwing away your cell phone... You can:

· Start Grounding - See here :
· Use the speaker option as often as you can
· Reduce the use of your cell phone
· Throw away your home wireless phone and invest in an older landline cable connection phone
· Stop using your phone in confined spaces like you car. You car acts like a hotbox and makes the signal difficult for your cell phone to pick up the signal. The phone will be forced to work harder to find the signal. The result is an intense signal that bounces around inside your car and through the super conductive, water based substance called your body! (IMPORTANT! Do not use your cell phone inside the car with your children inside. their soft skulls are easily penetrated by the EMF waves!)
· Start using neutralizing buffering devices that eliminate or greatly reduce the EMF waves on your body. 
· Companies making these devices can be found in the following links. Lotus Shield - , Click on the following link for : Personal devices you can carry with you
· Further educate yourself on this topic : Orgonite using the science of Orgone - Science of Orgonomy by the late Wilhelm Riech. ; ; ;
· FANTASTIC option for those of you who would like to get external help to mitigate and remove EMF Waves in your home. -

To the health of you and your family!

Peter Traynor
H.H.P., H.N.C., M.T.A., P.T.S.

P.S. If you are concerned that you may have some health concerns related to EMF or other lifestyle and environmental related issues, you can call me for a free consultation to see how I can help find the source of your concern.
416-569-7183 or email me:

Friday 2 May 2014

What Are You Waiting For...?

Are you following your dreams, goals, and desires that you have for your life?

We all find ourselves excited at times about something in our life, something we want to accomplish or something that we have put on our "bucket list". But, soon after we often find ourselves lost in some new experience. An experience that has drawn us away from our excitement and our special life goal or aspiration.

Unfortunately, we do live in a construct of time. And as we all know, time for us is finite.(at least in this reality) It will end... and so will we...

I know this is heavy stuff...!!

But, hear me out!

Most of us are waiting for some special moment in our lives, so we can start living...

YOU are everything in your life! Everything!

Hey, this is it! We may get another chance at this "life thing"...but no one really knows for sure.

Your time for living is now and it will always be now, but remember, time is finite!
Stop living in the past, dwelling on what you could'a or should'a been or done or didn't do. Stop projecting into the future. The future is not here yet, you will never accomplish what you want untilyou spend some time in the present moment. The only way you will create change in your life and in you, is being present.

Just BE the happiness you desire, BE the body you desire, BE the life you desire. It will happen!! If you spend some time in this space. You will be happier!

This is what you are waiting for...

Act now! BE the person you want to BE. BE the life you want to EXPERIENCE. BE the BODY you desire!

BE ... and have the time of your life!

SO GO FOR IT!!! What are you waiting for...?

Be the Master of Your LIFE and HEALTH!!


P.S.  Are you feeling unmotivated, stuck, need some help defining your direction?

Click here for a Free Consultation to see how I can help you start BE..ING!.