Monday 23 June 2014

Now that's a topic well worth discussing!

"Do you "Detox"?  Have you ever ..."cleansed" your body? 

Perhaps, you are you skeptical of the proclaimed benefits of "detoxifying the body"?  Wondering if this is just another "sheeple" fad?

Over many years of "detoxifying" my body, 24 years to be exact, I have learned quite a lot about how my body is acutely affected by the environment it is exposed to.
·         I have learned that DETOXIFYING the body is a vital component for the health of our bodies living on this planet today.  Especially if we desire to maintain youthful energy, clarity of mind, overall sense of just feeling and looking healthy.  THIS IS POSSIBLE!
·         I have learned that if I simply wanted to maintain a basic state of health state while living in a large metropolitan city like Toronto, I had better step up my game and take care of this vessel that I am using!  Toronto is not different from any other large city in the world.  It is a toxic soup environment packed full of industrial air pollutants, chemical and pharmaceutical laden waters, heavy metals and a food supply saturated with additives, preservatives, fungicides, colorants, pesticides, herbicides, and thousands of other manmade household and industrial chemicals. IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE BODY CANNOT HANDLE THE STRESS PUT UPON IT!
·         I learned that there are many beneficial methods to detoxify the body.
·         I have learned that different areas of the body can be targeted using various detoxifying methods.
·         Through regular cleaning of my body's waters, I can enhance the necessary  communication channel that I have with my body.  The constant stream of conversation that allows myself to know the health state of my body every moment of my day.
·         In working with many clients over my 15 years in a holistic practice I have learned that the most powerful way of showing the benefits of detoxifying is through actually experiencing a method.

So let's look at what detoxifying actually is.

Detoxifying is a natural process for our bodies. The body is in constant cleaning mode, flushing  and purging our body's waters and our body's tissues of natural internal toxins and external environmental toxins via our body's water irrigation system or our body's blood filtering system. Our blood is pumped through our tissues via the blood vessels which are connected to powerful filters called the liver and kidneys. 

The question is, just how dirty is your house?

The waters of our bodies are our "life blood" and it is vital that it is kept free of waste.  Otherwise, we will eventually have "dust bunnies" gathering, compromising the efficiency of this system.  Like your home's air filters, our organ filters, liver and kidneys need cleaned regularly.

If the body's main filters, the liver and the kidneys are not cleaned regularly, the excess toxins not being mopped up will begin to gather and adversely affect  the other filtering systems and organs of the body. These are the intestines, lungs, lymph and skin.  Subsequently, if the waste continues to gather, these impurities will begin to effect the cells of the body and create disease (dis-ease in the body).

How do I know if the waters and tissues of my body are in need of cleaning?

Our bodies communicate stress to us through body symptoms.  Some commonly expressed body symptoms are:
·         Unexplained fatigue
·         Skin irritations or ailments
·         Puffy eyes or bags under the eyes
·         Forgetfulness
·         Unexplained or chronic irritability
·         Feelings of sadness
·         Headaches
·         Lack of drive or ambition
·         Moodiness

Other system related symptoms and signs of a more chronic issue:
·         Sluggish bowels/ irregular bowel movements
·         Chronic Bloating
·         Chronic Gas
·         Chronic stomach pains
·         Allergies
·         Chronic low grade infections
·         Menstrual Cramping and PMS symptoms
·         Depression
·         Aching joints
·         Stiff muscles
·         Chronic Headaches

Extreme chronically toxic body manifestations (to name a few):
·         Cancer
·         Alzheimer's
·         Auto-immune Diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr Syndrome
·         Chronic  Headaches
·         Migraines
·         Arthritis
·         Other Chronic Inflammatory diseases
·         Multiple Sclerosis
·         Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s
·         Memory or Hearing Loss
·         Hormonal Problems Epilepsy
·          Neuroendocrine Disorders
·          ALS
·          Hypoglycemia.

Everyone has symptoms indicating the need for cleansing, it's the degree of symptoms expressed from the body that will indicate the urgency.  ( As I have mentioned, if you live in a big city you need serious cleaning)

How can I detoxify and clean my body's waters?

There are many ways to detoxify the waters of the body.  Over the years I have come to understand that 
perspective is everything with respect to this issue. 

As I have mentioned, we are living in toxic soup of environmental chemicals.  It is virtually impossible for all of us to avoid the exposure that we are under unless we all move out into the country, grow and eat ONLY our own food, distill our own water and surround our hermit lifestyle with clean oxygen producing plants. 

Even then, I do not believe we can avoid the toxins...UGH!

Not gunna happen!

So, the reality of this situation is that we are stuck here in this environment and we need to learn to SURVIVE in the mess we have created until we choose to do something about it.


I have learned the following methods and guidelines through my years of schooling, investigating, observing and healing myself and clients of many ailments and preventing many more.

We need to live in a constant state of awareness and stay proactive with a preventative mindset!


WE CAN do this by:
·         Purging our environment of toxins such as industrial cleaners, cleansers, detergents, glues,  as much as we can.
·         Reducing the amounts of additives, preservatives, etc,  from our food supply, water and air supply as much as we can.
·         ONLY DRINK Distilled (Preferred) or Reverse Osmosis Water.  3-5 litres per day
·         Stay active so that you sweat regularly and keep your circulation system functioning efficiently.
·         Actively participate in a method of cleansing 4 x times per year lasting a minimum of 4 to 30 days+ long.  There are many herbal, tincture, dietary and physical methods of detoxifying available today. (See below)
·         Consume Green-Blue Algae like Chlorella and other green plants regularly.
·         Drink as much FRESH fruit and vegetable juices possible.
·         Eating a Nutrient rich diet.
·         Improving Digestion and elimination.
·         Work with a Holistic Practitioner to guide you through the process.

A good program for detoxification of the body's waters will include a multi-facetted approach that will:
             ·     Help reduce the impact on the body's filtering system.
      ·     Stimulate the filtering organs of the Liver and the Kidneys to function to their potential.
      ·     Promote elimination of toxins through the intestines, kidneys and skin.
       ·     Improve circulation of the blood.
     m·     Support individual cellular development and cleansing with ingestion of high amounts of nutrients through the diet.

If you are interested in learning more about detoxifying your body or you are dealing with a health crisis, contact me through email .

Peter Traynor H.N.C., M.T.A.
Holistic Practitioner

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